Create and run containers in the foreground
Create and run containers in the background
List running containers
List all containers
Stop containers
Stop and remove containers, networks created by up
Pull images defined in a Compose file
Create a container using Docker Compose
Build and start containers using Docker Compose
Scale services defined in a Compose file
View the logs of services defined in a Compose file
Execute a command in a running container defined in a Compose file
Run a one-off command in a service container defined in a Compose file
Remove stopped containers created by up
Build or rebuild services
List running containers
List all containers
Run a container from my-image:1.0
Run a container from my-image:1.0 with the name www
Run a container from my-image:1.0 exposing internal port 3000 to external port 80
Stop a container by the name www
Stop containers by the name www1 www2 ...
Stop all the containers that match a keyword example
Kill a container by the name www
Kill containers by the name www1 www2 ...
Remove containers by the name www1 www2 ...
Remove all the containers that match a keyword example
Runs id in www container
Run an interactive bash shell on the container
Run a container in the background from my-image:1.0
Attach to a running container named www
Inspect a container named www
List logs of a container named www
Start a stopped container named www
Restart a running container named www
Pause a running container named www
Unpause a paused container named www
Rename a container named www to web
Build a image with the name my-image and tag 1.0
List local images
Delete local image by the name:tag my-image:1.0
Build an image in the current directory with the name my-image
Pull image example from a registry
Push image my-image to repository myrepo under a registry
List networks
Create a network with the name my-network
Remove a network with the name my-network
Inspect a network with the name my-network
Remove all unused containers, networks, images (both dangling and unreferenced)
Remove all unused containers, networks, images (both dangling and unreferenced), and volumes.
Remove all unused containers, networks, all unused images, and volumes.
List volumes
Create a volume
Remove all unused local volumes
Backup my_volume to my_backup.tar
Restore my_backup.tar to my_volume